Friday, March 25, 2011

Jay sent a mass email...

Jay is upset about the email to various contacts. He sent this message last night:

Subject: Please Disregard Emails from jayfitzgeraldbailey@gmail
Good evening.  Please disregard any correspondence that you receive from the email address:  This is not my email address.  It has come to my attention that this account was set up by a disgruntled former employee with mailicious intent.  We are taking the necessary steps to correct the situation.  I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.  Please let me know if you receive additional emails from the referenced account.
Thanks Jay Bailey.

He says that the original email was from a "...disgruntled former employee with mailicious intent."

Well there he goes lying again. Jay knows full well who's writing this blog. He also knows that I've never been his employee. As a matter of fact, he once asked me if he could say that he was a consultant for me.

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